
What if God has come again? And, what if He opened a blog? And, what if this was it? Would you believe? Read on...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Chapter 1

Today is Monday the 12th of March 2012. It helps me remember the date if I write it down each day because I have narcolepsy.

Nothing, I think unmderscores my frustration with being Canada than trying to get a decent doctor to treat me for the symptoms of narcolepsy. I have been misdiagnosed for over 20 fucking years.

Dr. McEwen just left Onsite and he hasn't helped me at all. In fact if anything he has just made it more difficult for me to persue my misdiagnosis as malpratice in court. I had to disagree with him again. I am not a delsuional physcophrenic. I have the symptoms of narcolepsy and my ongoing mistreatment and misdiagnosis is criminal.

These doctors just aren't listening to me. But, there is no point in thinking about it. This health care system is the very worst I can imagine. Thank God I am an American. At least back home it only took me a week to get therapy for my symptoms that worked for me; Not like here.

But, I am stuck here in Canada till I get my internet connection up and running properly so I can make myself some money and come back home.

There is no point here. I call this medical health care system the Anti-Christ. I can't sue. I can't find another opinion. Hell, I can't even find another doctor. It's been years I have been complaining about the symptoms of narcolepsy to one doctor after another; Over 40 doctors!

I am ready to take crystal meth again just to have the energy to find a way to get help.

And, what is with Dr. McEwen not telling me how to get off from the Abilify he prescribed me? it is not doing anything but disrtupting my sleep and interfering with the Alertec I take. And, what's with not referring me to a sleep doctor like I asked him too? This system is like a merry ro round of no's.

I just need to take something stronger like they gave me in California like Ritalin or Dexedrine. What is so fucking hard to understand? Alertec is not strong enough for me. Or, how about Nuvigil the stronger form of Alertec. Dr McEwen is very unprofessional. He is not trying to help me understand and treat my symptoms. He is rather suggesting I have other symptoms of delusional phychosis which I do not have and insisting I need to take anti-pyschotics. I am concerned he is delsuional.

This medical problem I have dates back to the time I was about seven years old. I have every single symptom in the book for narcolepsy. I mean all of them. That is very rare. But, do you think I could find a doctor in Canada to help me? Probably you do. But, the answer is no I cannot.

That is why I am writing this book. To help you the reader understand the differences between our two different systems of medicine in America and Canada.

This story goes on and on and on. And, by the time I tell you that I think I am the legitimate Angel of God and the Christ, I am in the Hell's Angels MC for some odd reason, I am the leader of the Illuminati and so on you will probably think I am delsuional too, maybe or maybe not. But, anyways, dear reader, I assure you I am not a nut and would never bother telling my doctor these strange things I believe in. Religion and physchiatry do not mix.
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The beauty of being a writer in a free state is the freedom to tell the truth of a tale as the tale itself offers it's bold truth to the writer freely. The virtue then of a free writer in a free state thus can be all bold. And, the duty of the bold, free state can then be to allow the beauty of the truth, as boldly offered to the writer by the tale itself, thus be told.

Norman Christian Hoffmann