
What if God has come again? And, what if He opened a blog? And, what if this was it? Would you believe? Read on...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Evicted from house in Van

I was evicted from the house on Fraser and 11th. I had a strange acquaintance with a crew of people that like in the end fell apart like most of my personal relationships do with most people.

I was so high that day I had to move that I left my house in the hands of a couple of these new "buddies" of mine and went to ride my bike. I was gone half the day, long after the 12 noon deadline that I had to be out of the place. I don't know why. But, being that high on speed and being on my bike I just can't ever seem to stop riding it. Which was funny because I had to move that day but instead after my buddy gave me a huge chunk of meth I went bike riding instead.

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The beauty of being a writer in a free state is the freedom to tell the truth of a tale as the tale itself offers it's bold truth to the writer freely. The virtue then of a free writer in a free state thus can be all bold. And, the duty of the bold, free state can then be to allow the beauty of the truth, as boldly offered to the writer by the tale itself, thus be told.

Norman Christian Hoffmann