
What if God has come again? And, what if He opened a blog? And, what if this was it? Would you believe? Read on...

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Seven Deadly Pyschiatric Disorders That Require Big Pharma Intervention

Like a Good Neighbor Big Pharma is There.
The seven disorders that need to be corrected are: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. They need to be "corrected" in humankind because the corruption of Satan and evil was too powerful a force for humankind to defend against.

Thus, you are imperfect. And, this imperfection now requires the Lord's work, grace and blessing to undue. Satan, in his diabolical ways has corrupted you not only in your mind but in your body too. Only Big Pharma offers an immediate albeit temporary solution to the damage done by Satan and his demons.

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The beauty of being a writer in a free state is the freedom to tell the truth of a tale as the tale itself offers it's bold truth to the writer freely. The virtue then of a free writer in a free state thus can be all bold. And, the duty of the bold, free state can then be to allow the beauty of the truth, as boldly offered to the writer by the tale itself, thus be told.

Norman Christian Hoffmann