
What if God has come again? And, what if He opened a blog? And, what if this was it? Would you believe? Read on...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Importance of Labels

And, their inaccuracies. I am so torn between the country I love and my inability to be able to make it there financially considering the large fine I have for jaywalking and the considerable monies and time I owe for the possession of narcotics charge I accrued while there that I was tossing and turning all night knowing that in all likelihood I will not be going back to the United States to pay my fine and complete my Deferred Entry Judgment Drug Counseling Class to avoid a criminal record because in order to that I would have to literally live on the streets.

So, there I was just feeling horrible and guilty over this turn of events in my life when an angel said to me, 'But, you are a counter culture writer. And, this conflict is an important part of your life's work'. That in the end settled it for me. I can not go back to the United States until I have a book deal in hand and a lawyer to represent me in court at that time to deal with these problems.

But, I have never considered myself to be a counter culture anything. If at all I have always been upset over having to become a part of the different sub-cultures I have been around. I have always felt out of place. And, being diagnosed with the symptoms of narcolepsy and knowing the devastating effects they have had on my life I know now why I have always felt awkward being around these kinds of counter-culture elements. I am genuinely not a counter culture person. And, I have always sought to become more mainstream. I have always been fighting against the current of my disability and it's devastating social consequences for my life.

So, for me to be considered a part of a counter-culture sub-movement of any kind it will always be as a part of a group trying to get back towards the norms of society despite the societal odds imposed against them by whatever conditions they might have. I am not even aware that such a group exists. And, I have no intention of becoming the leader, by writing this book or any other means, of any counter culture movement of any kind that deviates from an albeit imperfect, yet workable social order. That is the whole purpose of my being God. To just have you sit tight and wait till I/we fix it. In the meantime don't go nuts here. Things take time. But, we are moving right along. JC and the Big Man are upstairs and I am here on the ground as His witness and that is exactly where we are supposed to be right now. I've never considered that to be counter culture.

But, maybe I am wrong. Only the art and culture critics of time will be able to answer that for you. But, you now have my own personal thoughts regarding it.

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The beauty of being a writer in a free state is the freedom to tell the truth of a tale as the tale itself offers it's bold truth to the writer freely. The virtue then of a free writer in a free state thus can be all bold. And, the duty of the bold, free state can then be to allow the beauty of the truth, as boldly offered to the writer by the tale itself, thus be told.

Norman Christian Hoffmann