
What if God has come again? And, what if He opened a blog? And, what if this was it? Would you believe? Read on...

Monday, February 14, 2011

The last time I watched television

The last time I watched television when I began taking speed I saw president Bush waving on a big navy war craft heralding the triumph of our war in Iraq. Which is funny because for the next 3 years I had no idea that the country had gone back to war against Afghanistan. Even though I was in Canada and they joined us in this war I was so high and so oblivious to anything else in my world except my bike and riding my bike and doing things on my bike etc. that I thought America had successfully ended the war and gone home.

I even emailed out a series of heartfelt congratulations letters in the name of the Hells Angels MC and Sonny Barger to all my usual contacts around the world.  Man, was I high.

Later on this limited knowledge of our worlds events would come back to haunt me and possibly even the turning events of the world that I wish sometimes had not happened. But, so it is.

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The beauty of being a writer in a free state is the freedom to tell the truth of a tale as the tale itself offers it's bold truth to the writer freely. The virtue then of a free writer in a free state thus can be all bold. And, the duty of the bold, free state can then be to allow the beauty of the truth, as boldly offered to the writer by the tale itself, thus be told.

Norman Christian Hoffmann