
What if God has come again? And, what if He opened a blog? And, what if this was it? Would you believe? Read on...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jesus Goes Back to Heaven

This has to be one of the most startling moments in my life. In this scene I am laying down to sleep tucked away behind the living room in the little space that my mother had cleared away for me to stay in when I have this full blown vision of Jesus Christ leaving my body as a ball of heavenly light on his way back again to heaven after having passed his days of the second coming here in on this earth through me.

This was both eerie and odd. On the one hand it certainly confirmed in me a long standing belief that I just may be the Second Coming of Christ for all the odd things which I have been witness too. And, the strange feelings I have always had regarding this subject. Without any evidence it has always seemed to me to be some sort of personal knowledge that I am the Christ and that I am suppose to wait for various reasons for whatever is to come of it to come and not to tell anybody about it till it's time, like now for instance. And, it was eerie in that God was very, very angry about what had been happening to his little Jesus on earth so far. I mean so angry that he simply gave the keys to the doors to both heaven and hell and then turned his back on humanity and walked away.

But, you should have seen the shape the little ball of light that was Jesus left in. Sure, he was a beautiful ball of light of every color but, he was stuttering. It was like he was trying to say something but he had been beaten too hard, on this earth in this world, presumably by people at the hands of the influence of demons. But, whatever it was, he significantly could not get out a sentence because he kept stuttering and could not even finish the first word. Whatever it was he was trying to say could not be heard. And, God was angry, very, very angry. I don't know if the bible says anything about God turning his back on humanity and leaving or not. But, that is exactly what has appeared to have happened. And, I as the dutiful flesh of God I am here to testify to that and to be witness. This did happen that night.

After Jesus left to go back to heaven to begin his reign of 1000 years I was left with an interesting problem. Because, the soul of Jesus had just left from out of me as a man I had virtually no host. And, as it were the first one to come along out of the thin blue air to offer his assistance to me in that department was of course Satan in his guise as the demon Astaroth. This arrangement did not work out. Unfortunately for the demon Astaroth and Satan as well even the flesh of the Christ messiah rejected the host demon Satan. And, as a result in the short aftermath of Jesus returning to heaven and me being without a proper host I was quickly then hosted by the Lord himself but in His angelic form. I am now hosted by the Angel of God, as it were and as is prophecy by the end of the second testament, I am God in the spirit and in the flesh and blood of his son Jesus.

So, that is what happened to me that night that Jesus went back to heaven and the lord's angel came down from heaven to be me right before my very own  fleshly eyes as the body of the man that all this is happening too.

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The beauty of being a writer in a free state is the freedom to tell the truth of a tale as the tale itself offers it's bold truth to the writer freely. The virtue then of a free writer in a free state thus can be all bold. And, the duty of the bold, free state can then be to allow the beauty of the truth, as boldly offered to the writer by the tale itself, thus be told.

Norman Christian Hoffmann