
What if God has come again? And, what if He opened a blog? And, what if this was it? Would you believe? Read on...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Act 1

The first act is used to establish the main characters, their relationships and the normal world they live in. Earlier in the first act, a dynamic, on-screen incident occurs that confronts the main character (the protagonist), whose attempts to deal with this incident leads to a second and more dramatic situation, known as the first turning point, which (a) signals the end of the first act, (b) ensures life will never be the same again for the protagonist and (c) raises a dramatic question that will be answered in the climax of the film. The dramatic question should be framed in terms of the protagonist's call to action, (Will X recover the diamond?, Will Y get the girl? Will Z capture the killer?).

the main characters
  • Me
  • Dr. Fleming
  • Willy Pickton
  • Ben
  • Astaroth 

their relationships and the normal world they live in

Only some people are believers in the stories of the bible. And, only some people believe that spirits are in control of this world somehow. Dr. Fleming is a doctor at the UBC Sleep Disorders. He normally treats people with narcolepsy. Willy Pickton is an accused mass murderer in Canada. He was found not guilty of the 1st degree homicide of the victims but found guilty of the second degree homicide. Ben is my son - to whom this book is dedicated. He lives in Canada with his mom Nikki. Astaroth is a demon and chieftain in hell who has to come help me save the world physically for the deal I made with Satan.

a dynamic, on-screen incident occurs that confronts the main character
  1. I witness Jesus leave my body. The Holy Spirit or Angel come to host me.
  2. I have the Ark Revelation.
  3. Dr. Fleming kicks me out of his office.
  4. I am convinced Willy Pickton is not guilty. The trial concludes and legally proves that.
  5. Ben is born.
  6. Asataroth tells me the demonic reasons behind global warming.

the first turning point

(a) I write a book.
(b) My life will never be the same because mostly only crazy people send emails declaring to be God and such.
(c) Will I get the message of the Second Coming out the the people?
(c) Will I ever get the Revelation of the Ark out to the people?
(c) Will I ever get help for narcolepsy?
(c) Will I ever get people to admit that Willy Pickton is not guilty?
(c) Will I ever be able to support my son?
(c) Will I ever be able to convince people of the true cause of global warming?

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The beauty of being a writer in a free state is the freedom to tell the truth of a tale as the tale itself offers it's bold truth to the writer freely. The virtue then of a free writer in a free state thus can be all bold. And, the duty of the bold, free state can then be to allow the beauty of the truth, as boldly offered to the writer by the tale itself, thus be told.

Norman Christian Hoffmann