
What if God has come again? And, what if He opened a blog? And, what if this was it? Would you believe? Read on...

Monday, February 7, 2011

I remember when God condemned Canada to hell.

I am living now about a block away from the area of Vancouver BC called the downtown east side from where the majority of the victims found butchered and fed to farm animals on Willy Pickton's farm came from. And, I remember the day that God himself came down to this part of town with me or, more literally in me, this was after Jesus had left me for heaven, and instantly God completely freaked out.

I mean like He literally freaked right the fuck out. It was unbelievable. He had me writing emails and letters to all the governments in the world telling them of the consequences, if any be, to them, if he ever caught anyone one of them even trying to run anything even remotely similar to this very, very fucking illegal modern day Sodom and/or Gomorrah called the downtown east side of Vancouver BC. In a heartbeat He condemned the entire modern country of Canada, minus a few judicious exclusions like the native Indians and the Canadian military, straight to fucking hell. He called Canada the Anti-Christ - a system of hopelessness.

He had me writing to all the governments of the world, through automated email software, the horrors of crossing the legal line both in heaven and hell of Satan's touchstone of evil. He had me telling them, all the governments of this world, just what will happen to any country that happens to rub themselves up against the touchstone of evil and how quickly God's angel will come to both defend the honor of Satan's possession and avenge the infraction against our Lord God.

He went on and on and on for weeks into months and even years on this topic, even long after I had informed G-d of the possible conflicts of interest that His letter writing campaign, through me, might cause some of the other nations that he does care for and consequently sequestered the rest of His campaign to sending messages finally to the CIA and the FBI only. But, you have to imagine that behind all the world's scenes there I was writing to all the world's media and all the world's governments and all the worlds police departments, in the first person of God, his utter shock and horror and disdain and impending wrath over the rampant, overt and highly suspicious drug abuse in this neighborhood called the downtown east side of Vancouver, Canada.

And, all the horrible things he had to say about a country, let alone a province or even a city that had allowed the actual being of the systemic Anti-Christ to become on their watch. All, the horrible things He has said that He is going to do to this country and then proved quite literally how I was emailing out the media of the world at that time. And, then G-d and I would watch.

We would watch their exquisite and squirming faces on the local news as they began to realize that I was, this ostensible wannabe Hells Angels Motorcycle Club member, (which is another story all it's own and in fully God's way utterly incredible till it happens to you and painful), also sending these biblical notices of contractual termination, alongside my emails of the revelation of the Holy Anointing Oil as indeed a primitive form Crystal Meth along with Manna and, in prophetically good form and ultimate timing, giving me the credibility and authority to pen such notices, behind the scenes no less, that God himself is no longer going to save Canada nor any Canadians from His Wrath because it is in and of itself become the biblical Anti-Christ. Because of the downtown east side of Vancouver BC and what ultimately must have have happened outside the Pickton farm before any of these women showed up the dead for an untimely burial and disposal from public and prying eyes God has condemned all of Canada to hell, period. Case closed. Judgment delivered. In real time. By the angel of God. Me.

And, ultimately all believable if you where there to follow all my letters to the powers that be in this world in the order that I sent them so that the recipients may know that indeed Christ, as I, have both come and gone, as is written, and all that is left is the flesh and blood of God in which His spirit does dwell, unabashed. In the same way now that I am going to write this book so that anyone who reads this will always know the truth of my second coming and the reality of the judgment rendered by me, Jesus Christ, in heaven above now, in regards to Canada and, the many others who are in violation of simple hope and thus in fact Anti-Christ.

And, of course what can be done about that before my spirit does deliver my fathers wrath against you.

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The beauty of being a writer in a free state is the freedom to tell the truth of a tale as the tale itself offers it's bold truth to the writer freely. The virtue then of a free writer in a free state thus can be all bold. And, the duty of the bold, free state can then be to allow the beauty of the truth, as boldly offered to the writer by the tale itself, thus be told.

Norman Christian Hoffmann