It seems, now one must be very careful not assume the things I say are the true feelings of the people involved but my perception of the events as they unfold, that my troubles with certain doctors began around the time Robert William Pickton was arrested for having dead bodies on his farm.
I was convinced he is not guilty of murder and had began an awesome email campaign to the tell the world. I had another thing happen to me then too. I had discovered the hidden meaning of the Ark of the Covenant in the holy Bible. Or, at least it's fearsome powers. Come to think of it a whole lot of things have happened to me since then, the messiah.
Today I woke up again all night because of this medication Abilify. I like it. I think I am gonna keep taking it. Maybe I will ask Dr. McEwen to increase the dose just to justify my feelings. I still want to sue the doctor who would not originally diagnose me with narcolepsy. I think he has something to hide. And, I probably accused him if not all the local so called gentry class of Vancouver BC of possibly having a dead corpse or two stuffed away on Willy Pickton's farm.
Can you believe that is why Dr. McEwen thinks I am psychotic? Because, I want to sue my doctor.
God, what a morbid and horrifying country. I just got back from my others doctors office and now he will not prescribe me an increase in Effexor to combat my symptoms of cataplexy. He said to ask Dr. McEwen. I did already and he said no.
It all makes sense mind you. If you try one medication you shouldn't try another. But, seeing as how Dr. McEwen will not address my symptoms of narcolepsy/cataplexy what am I to do. Since seeing Dr. McEwen my whole life has been turned upside down by this mess. Neither will he give me a referral to a sleep doctor. What the fuck is wrong with this country. Why does it brag about it's healthcare system when it does not work for people with rare disorders?
I NEED TO SEE A SLEEP DOCTOR! And, not one like Fleming that is gonna accuse me of cheating on my sleep labs. Where in the hell is my second opinion in this country of so called socialist medicine. No wonder Canada ranks 40th place for health services right behind North Korea.
At least when I came home to Onsite I heard a voice say "Hears a nickel kid. Come back with a quarter". That was nice. But, what I really need to do is get back to California where the doctor treats me for narcolepsy and doesn't tell me I am psychotic because I have the symptoms. I really hate it here. Hopefully that hatred will propel me to write and finish this book. Probably, it's been years.
Man, I am upset. Ever since Dr. Fleming did not diagnose me properly my life has been hell. It's such a simple diagnosis. Why can't this country get it together. Canada is a shit bag. The people here are delusional. I have to get home.
You're probably wondering why I don't just leave and the answer is money. I was homeless in LA. But, in Canada I have a disablity pension. Nobody here is listening to me. I have been misdiagnosed and I need treatment for narcolepsy not anything else.
Ever sinsce I discovered the secret behind the Ark of the Covenant and gave that information to Jerusalem I have become the Angel of God in Christ, as prophecy would be.
But, I just feel awful. I feel like screaming outloud "I NEED TO SEE A SLEEP DOCTOR". I can't sleep. I can't wake. I can't function. I don't have a job. I don't have the energy to shower regularly. All I do is lay in bed and try and sleep.
You know, I have had all of the symptoms of narcolepsy since I was seven years old and they have destroyed my life. I can hear the angels crying for me their God. And, just as the bible prophecies I haven't liked being here since I came.
I have to get off these pills the doctor gave me. I am thinking about suicide. Not the kind of suicide that kills but the kind that screams out for help - I need to see a doctor of sleep medicine.
When I was in the states I was being treated by Dr. Brodski for narcolepsy and depression. He prescribed me Ritalin and suggested I also try Xyrem. When I was under his care I was even working partime and getting some exercise. My life was 100 percent better.
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