I'd like to try and shop my book around a little bit by taking it to writers clubs and reading it a little bit. I wonder how this kind of apocalyptic writing will go over here since I am living in Canada. But, no better than the belly of the beast to dine on my feast.
Maybe after I move to the much safer neighborhood of downtown Vancouver as aopposed to where Onsite os situated which is right in the heart of the downtown eastside of Vancouver I will go. I hate even walking outside the door here with it's open air drug market and all. It is the Anti-Christ and I do not need to be reminded of it.
Socialist mediciine flies in the face of democracy, I just thought coming back in from the outside of Onsite looking at all of the disgruntled faces moping by. How many of these people have a legitimate medical diagnosis that is not being treated properly my a doctor?
Many I presume. And, how many of these people sleeping on the sidewalk have a sleep disorder? Waiting for the staff to buzz me back in I had and insatiable desire to lie down and wait. This is nuts. If my sleep medicine, Modifinil, can help me stand up for even just the five minutes it takes for someone to open the door for me how many others could my sleep medicine help who seemingly have the same desire to lie down all of the time. I mean it's obvious. The state of pyschiatry under this Canadian medical health care model, so often lauded, is frankly deplorable.
My estimation is that the underlying diagnosis of most of these street people is not neccesarly homelessness and drug addiction but something far more benign like a common sleep disorder. But, how are ever to find out when so much money is being spent on drug addiction and not common medicine. If the vast majority of people in Canada are well enough to work and pay taxes why is their money being spent to treat only secondary symptoms of common disorders. It is not democratic. But socialized medicine is not democratic by nature. It is a system that squanders the talents of so many doctors with a lack of funding that only privitazed medicine can offer.
The problem is not the doctors it is the system. That doctors want and are able to help people is a given. But, that they are not able to manage their own resources and funding in Canada is what hinders them. Between Ottawa's draconian grip on BC's healthcare funding and freetrade which is another subject unto itself no wonder I find myself in this bind.
The medical healthcare system in Canada is not free. What we pay for in abundance we lose in quality. The brain drain of qualified specilists like I need to see is quietly killing some of us. Recently the government of BC in response to Ottawa's insistence thhat the docotors here in this province can not fund themselves has been to institute death panels; lists of patients who will no longer see qualified medical specialists in favor of seeing general physicians who will offer them preventative care models instead of proper diagnosis; Now they longer die on wait lists they just die. Which satifies the socialist number crunchers but does nothing but kill, disable or destroy patients.
This is a model in a democracy to watch out for. It is not democratic. The two different systems can not work together. Their is only one solution to socialist medical brain drain and that is to build a wall and keep well trained Canadian specilists from emigrating. It is obvious. Canada must run the gamut of socialism if it is to stop the drain of talented doctors from this country. We the people of this so called democracy are suffering. It drains our substance to eat the lie in the face of the depravity of the ever swelling numbers of un and underdiagnosed sick who fragment our society into the well and not well by sleeping on the sidewalk where we see them but still insist that Canada is the best.
It is not. It is simply not. And, no amount of sticking our heads into the sand and trying to ignore the basic problem of human suffering without hope which is the basis of what eats out the hearts and minds and substance of Canadian youth will ever alleviate the problem. It is a country in dire straights. Yet our stubborn pride and continuing insistence that we have beat the devil is what is killing us inside.
We have not beat the devil in Canada. He is killing us slowly and systemically inside with his stubborn pride in the face of his evil that all is well and we are the best. It is not true. it is a lie. It is false government. To take from a surgeon one hand and demand he or she practice good stitching is foolish. Those stiches will never be sewn up tight. That tear in the fabric of humanity that only a skilled and qulaified doctor of medicine free to pratice with both hands can ever sew up is never sewn.
His patients line the welfare aisles, they sleep in the sewer, they fall alseep on the subway and are tossed off, they talk to themselves and scream outloud in public nonsensical utterings, they damn the fools to no avail; but all they need is a good doctor to hear them and help them. But, the doctors in Canada have one hand tied to Ottowa and can not reach their patients. The cost of this is enormous.
One handed doctors can hardly but bandage the sick, the dying and the wounded when full sticthes are required. We have nurses to do the job but not many when many are required. We have facilities bougt and payed for by lotteries and bake sales and donations and love and charity and kindness but not a doctor's salary to staff these facilities in BC.
We have poor children on wait lists not for a hospital but for a qualified doctor of medicine to treat them for their ailments. But, still Ottawa's pride will not allow for a bake sale, a church, a donation, not even God to pay for their doctor. It is the Anti-Christ.
My life here in Canada has been ruined by a beurocratic system that leaves me no diagnosis, no medical trreatment for my symptoms and Heaven forbid that I should complain nor criticize the Canadian way lest I be branded pyschotic. Many a good woman in this land should know of what I speak. Pyschiatry in this land of Canada is deplorable and the lack of fully trained and qualified specialists leads to an influx of Canadian women misdignosed as psychotic because the doctors they see are not trained to understand whatever other symptoms of a myriad of common conditions they may have.
I am the angel of God. And, I hate this country for it's subborn insistence that it is the best. It is not. It is the Anti-Christ as described in the second testament. Ten provinces as horns in the crown of Satan the Devil who lies in the face of God and misleads the people. So, stick your head in the sand a little further Canadians for if I need become Satan the Devil too in order to lop it off from down below you know that I will. I am almighty. My tongue is a sword Canadians but my sword is a sword. And, you play with me for your mortal souls.
I have come with this warning to the world over. Canada is the Anti-Christ. And, there shall be no system like it in the Garden of Eden. Nor, shall there be any too proud Canadian who supports it with blinders on in full. You have been fooled and and assembled here by Satan the Devil for me to pass my judgement on. And, my judgment is thus. You are not coming. You cannot be my helpers over my Kingdoms of Goodness with blinders on like this. You are the Anti-Christ and proud of it.
What if God has come again? And, what if He opened a blog? And, what if this was it? Would you believe? Read on...
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The beauty of being a writer in a free state is the freedom to tell the truth of a tale as the tale itself offers it's bold truth to the writer freely. The virtue then of a free writer in a free state thus can be all bold. And, the duty of the bold, free state can then be to allow the beauty of the truth, as boldly offered to the writer by the tale itself, thus be told.
Norman Christian Hoffmann
Norman Christian Hoffmann
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